Molag's Blessed

An infamous rogue plagued by a curse...

Arria al-Hallin

Race: Imperial
Age: 29
Birthdate: 8th/Sun's Dawn/172 4E

Arria's Gaze

A sarcastic yet friendly girl, just as likely to rob you as save you. Fiery, aggressive, proud, and motivated only by coin...

Touched by a Prince

Free of want and worry, Arria grew up to be a little spitfire, an attitude to match her firey mane...

Arria al-Hallin

Character Details
Ɖ Name: Arria al-Hallin [Lapointe]
Ɖ Race: Imperial [w/ Breton traits]
Ɖ Age: 29
Ɖ Birthdate: 8th Day of Sun's Dawn, 172 4E
Ɖ Birthsign: The Lover
Ɖ Birthplace: Gerbera Blue, Bangkorai, High Rock
Ɖ Height: 5'8" (172cm)
Ɖ Weight: 62kg (136lb.)
Ɖ Eye Col.: Icy Blue
Ɖ Hair Col.: Deep Scarlet

Relationship Details
Ͽ Carmilla Lapointe née Alleius [Mother]
Ͽ Jouane Lapointe [Father]
Ͽ Keer-Ja [Godfather]
Ͽ Varnius Alleius [Uncle]
Ͽ Carmilla Alleius [Cousin]
Ͽ Leona Alleius [Cousin]

Primary Skills
Light Armour

Arria's Gaze

A sarcastic yet friendly girl, just as likely to rob you as save you. Fiery, aggressive, proud, and motivated only by coin. A rogue by name, a thief by rumour, she is an infamous talent in Skyrim. Painting herself as an approachable woman, she internally keeps people at a distance as a result of deep-rooted trust issues.

A village girl turned thief, Arria’s training in combat was never formal, instead much of her martial skill comes from observing other fighters or picking up things on the fly. Her style, if it can be called such, incorporates techniques and lessons from all walks of life; imperial martialism, khajiiti grace, the tricks of spellswords and berserkers among others. Thus she is highly unpredictable as an opponent.

Primarily she relies on a greatsword for upfront confrotation, but often uses it for a quick dispatch, then relying on a standard broadsword and a variety of knives to eliminate her enemies.

A skilled manipulator, Arria weaves herself in and out of many situations by painting a compelling picture that most are all too keen to fall for. A lost girl on the road, a simple adventurer, a lover to share the night with. Confident in her skills, and more than aware of her voluptuous assets, Arria all too easily sweeps up men and women alike in her confident allure.

Quite infamous for how deft she is with her hands, she can quite easily lift just about anything from an unsuspecting victim, and even uses convenient sleight of hand to unveil a potent arsenal of daggers hidden on her person. She is quite proud of her skill to pick locks, having managed to break every mechanism Skyrim and Summerset have thrown at her.

Touched by a Prince

Arria was born in the village of Gerbera Blue, the only child of Jouane and Carmilla Lyra Lapointe. She had a solid upbringing and a rather uneventful life before she started blossoming into womanhood where she was soon the idol of much of her hometown’s youth. Things became rocky in 188 4E, when an army of Reachmen poured down from the Druadach to invade Evermore, an invasion that saw them sweep through Gerbera like a plague. Arria was one of very few survivors who managed to escape the attack, largely due to her father’s efforts.

The fleeing villagers would run right into a delegation of Evermorian nobles and Thalmor, touring the countryside, which led to the quick dispatch of the citystate’s army to quell the invading witchmen. As a show of good faith to his breton hosts, the leader of the Thalmor in High Rock, First Emissary Maras offered to take custody of Gerbera’s refugees, where he might care and re-establish them through his own funds. A generous offer that both the village folk and the Evermore delegates accepted.

However, in secret, Maras had the village-folk, Arria included, pressed into a slave network that would see them all trafficked to Alinor, the Summerset Isles.

Arria was kept in the dungeons of Castle Locksteppe, the heart of a small township that was nestled in the hills North of Dusk. For the next ten years, she was subjected to all manner of torture, humiliation and degradation. Treated as if she were a toy for the amusement and self-indulgence of the castle’s many guests. Soldiers, merchants, nobles and officials from all across Summerset would have their way with her. Not only them but beasts and monsters as well. She was thrown to the castle kennels quite often, where the castles hounds would have their own way with Arria, the trauma of such would eventually develop into outright phobia of canines for her. Besides dogs, such creatures as welwa, mantikora, lamia, several varieties of daedra, and even a sload were able to have their way with her.

Though they soiled her, Arria remained mentally unbroken. Afraid but rebellious. A fact that spurred Maras on and on, throwing the poor girl further into his depravity. Just as she had gotten there, one chance night changed her fortunes entirely. The Summerset Shadows, a guild of thieves on the isles, snuck into Maras’ estate, freeing Locksteppe’s many slaves and prisoners in a bloody onslaught. Arria escaped with them, back to their sanctuary in the rooftops of Cloudrest where she was offered a place among them; to be trained as a thief. She accepted.


For a time, the redheaded rogue was easily one of the best pickpockets in Alinor. She never returned home without a purse full of coin, and rarely was that gold her own. Though she had acclimated to the life of a thief, and was usually well-regarded by her peers, things were not always perfect in the house of the Shadows. Arria had a clear vendetta against the gentry of Summerset, especially those with a connection to the Thalmor. More than one job turned bloody, and though Arria was never caught, she had still brought unnecessary heat upon the guild and broken its tenets. The guild masters punished her by treating her as if she was still in Locksteppe, to force her to remember what they had “saved” her from.

Her tenuous relationship with the Shadows did not last forever. A member of the guild took a job to steal away into a Thalmor stronghold, a job that turned out to be a trap — The justiciars loosened his tongue not long after, then the Cloudrest sanctuary burned. Arria was returning from another job when she saw the smokestacks from the city’s perimeter, without a doubt, she fled to a friend, a woman named Ohtaari. Together they smuggled into the ranks of Molag Bal cultists who navigated abandoned and secret passages across the countryside, before leaving the Isles on a ship bound for Stros M’kai.

The group travelled to Hammerfell proper from there, the cultists of Molag Bal seeking out a shrine to their daedric god nestled inside an oasis deep in the Alik’r deserts. Arria kept with the group largely at the urgings of Ohtaari, though her ultimate goal was to join up with a thieves guild chapter in Sentinel.

During the journey across the desert, Ohtaari and the cultists regailed Arria with stories of Molag Bal. His summoning day was fast approaching, and they had much planned to celebrate and honour the lord of domination. What Arria didn’t know was that she was the main attraction. Disarmed and taken captive as soon as they arrived at the oasis, no matter how hard she struggled she could never escape the masses arrayed against her. A vile orgy took place at the foot of a statue to Molag Bal, countless cultists defiling Arria in every way they could. Her fire, her defiance served as a catalyst to coax Bal from his seat in Coldharbour where he would test her personally, unleashing his daedric beasts to break her as his worshippers had failed to do. Arria spent days in the accursed realm of Oblivion, but remembers only a glimpse, before awaking back in the oasis surrounded by the limp and exhausted bodies of her betrayers.

It was a miracle she never slit their throats as she left.


What she didn’t know is that she left with Molag Bal’s blessing, a gift in the form of his artefact, Gloe, a powerful enchantment that suffused through her body, working foul magic within.

Following her original course, the redheaded rogue went North, towards Sentinel. With very little protection or supplies, her journey was a long and grueling one. By the time she reached the settlement of Hallin’s Pass she was just about at death’s door. A group of mercenaries, spotted her and took her in, the first victims of Gloe, their inhibitions freed and desires run amok, they attempted to rape her at the behest of otherworldly compulsion. They didn’t get far before the master of the town intervened. Hallin of the Pass, a war hero from the Great War took Arria into his care, treating her as if she were his own child.

He was not free of the influence of Arria’s curse however, and after months together, one bad day saw him forcing himself upon her. She managed to break free from him, and not a moment later, she was gone entirely from the Pass. Thoroughly soured on the idea of other people, Arria made it to Sentinel alone, though she did not seek out the thieves guild there.

She operated alone in the city for a time, until a chance encounter with a member of the Vigilant’s of Stendarr. Keer-Ja, a rare argonian member of the group was an old friend of her father’s, the meeting was a shock to them both. More than a few moons passed as the two got caught up, happy to have found each other. Though she was apprehensive at first, the persistent argonian was able to break down Arria’s walls, earnest to show her that he had only the best of intentions. He was “Uncle Keer” after all.

Together they operated in the region, performing duties for the Vigil across Hammerfell. Eventually, Keer-Ja received a missive requesting his presence at the Hall of the Vigilant in Skyrim. Treating Arria as his apprentice, the pair had little issue passing the border blockades that had been set up in the wake of Skyrim’s civil war.

While Keer-Ja dealt with business as befitting a Vigil, Arria quickly established herself in infamy in the frozen north. Making enemies the crown, stealing precious heirlooms from the Blue Palace, as well as the Thieves Guild in Riften, having made an enemy out of the Black-Briar clan. Rumours abound of her across the nine holds, of the ‘Scarlet Shade’ of which there is no lock or defense that can keep her from your riches...